© Paws 4 Hearts Working Therapy Dogs 2014
Paws 4 Hearts Working Therapy Dogs

AKC Therapy Dog Titles

The following dogs have earned the elite designation of AKC Therapy Dog.

The AKC Therapy Dog™ program awards an official American Kennel Club (AKC) title to dogs who have worked to improve the lives of the people they have visited. The purpose of this program is to recognize dogs and their owners who have given their time and helped people by volunteering as a therapy dog and owner team. To earn this title, dogs must meet experience and eligibility requirements. And it can be awarded at various levels. We currently have dogs that have earned the AKC Therapy Dog (THD), AKC Therapy Dog Advanced (THDA), and AKC Therapy Dog Excellent (THDX) designations.
Scotty, THDX (Robyn) Erin, THDA (Kathy) Lt. Dan, THD (Retired) (Amanda) Bella, THDA (Diana) Drover, THDA (Lydia) Cinder, THD (Retired) (Steve & Jan) Beau, THDA (Linda) Mugsy, THD (Joni) Ranger, THD (Tammy) Forrest, THD (Amanda) Ian, THDX (Karen) Cheyenne, THD (Rose) Raider, THD (Stacey) Chase, THD (Karen) Chase, THD (Retired) (Lynda)
Lt. Dan, THD (Amanda) Bella, THDA (Diana) Drover, THDA (Lydia) Beau, THDA (Linda) Mugsy, THD (Joni) Ranger, THD (Tammy) Lt. Dan, THD (Retired) (Amanda) Forrest, THD (Amanda) Ian, THDX (Karen) Chase, THD (Karen) Raider, THD (Stacey) Cheyenne, THD (Rose)
© Paws 4 Hearts Working Therapy Dogs 2014
Paws 4 Hearts Working Therapy Dogs

AKC Therapy Dog


The following dogs have earned the elite

designation of AKC Therapy Dog.

The AKC Therapy Dog™ program awards an official American Kennel Club (AKC) title to dogs who have worked to improve the lives of the people they have visited. The purpose of this program is to recognize dogs and their owners who have given their time and helped people by volunteering as a therapy dog and owner team. To earn this title, dogs must meet experience and eligibility requirements. And it can be awarded at various levels. We currently have dogs that have earned the AKC Therapy Dog (THD), AKC Therapy Dog Advanced (THDA), and AKC Therapy Dog Excellent (THDX) designations.
Scotty, THDX (Robyn) Erin, THDA (Kathy) Cinder, THD (Retired) (Steve & Jan) Chase, THD (Retired) (Lynda)